What services look like in TAPSS (Teen Age Parent Support Services):
TAPSS is a comprehensive, long-term case management and counseling program serving teen parents (up to 21 years old) and their children in the home setting and in groups. Contact with families is generally weekly, although can vary based on client needs. There is a multi-focus which includes: the teen’s development and growth, the children’s development and growth, and the relationship between the parent and child. Staff partner with the teens to develop the direction and priorities for services, while balancing any safety and risks inherent in child welfare work.
What an intern can expect from an internship placement in TAPSS:
Depending on the length of the internship placement as well as individual intern interest and readiness, interns may:
- Shadow home visits and other duties of staff
- Carry a small caseload & conduct home visits
- Help staff with case management needs of other clients
- Facilitate groups
- Provide transportation and/or accompaniment to community resources (DHS, court, SSI, DMV, employment search, college searches, medical appointments)
- Develop an individual project (resource manual, research project, special group event, etc.)
- Be a member of the program team and more!
Interns benefit from weekly supervision with the program supervisor or direct task supervisor, monthly clinical discussion groups with agency staff, exposure to temporary assistance, family court/criminal court, and child protective systems and gain case management experience. Interns will write progress notes, family assessments and prepare monthly statistics. Interns will be provided reading materials on best practices in working with teen parents and access to a curriculum designed to support parenting confidence and competence as well as child development and teen development. Interns often attend training along with staff, as opportunities arise. There are also opportunities to participate in community events, collaborative meetings, committees, and agency meetings.

Requirements for interns in TAPSS:
Must be able and willing to transport in own vehicle, take initiative, develop working relationships with a wide variety of people, and be open to meeting clients in their homes. Bachelors-level students in social work or a related field are a good fit, however, in certain cases, masters-level students may also benefit from an internship in TAPSS. The interns who have reported the best experiences are those that can work independently and on a team, take initiative, have the willingness to stretch themselves, demonstrate creativity and connect meaningfully with high-risk teen parents and small children.